Community & Provider Education in the USA & India

We bring a difference in Women’s lives – childbirth and beyond.

Health Care Provider Education in the USA & India

At the H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation, we educate the community to be healthy by taking preventative measures. We promote health awareness for women and provide educational conferences, and patient educational material. We believe, educating women, the person who is the care taker of family is the best way to address the family health.
According to World Health Organization, 94% of maternal deaths occur in the low- and middle-income countries. We focus on pregnant women in remote areas and socially disadvantaged communities in India. We create videos in local languages about the complications of high-risk pregnancies and play them in the prenatal clinics.

We also conduct seminars on health and wellness.

H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation

Outreach Programs in the USA

At the H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation, our primary goal is to educate women about the importance of healthy living. Apart from organizing health seminars and health fairs, we also conduct a lot of medical tests for free at the health fairs

  • Social workers help arrange free mammograms.
  • Volunteers from the dietary service provide advice on a healthy diet.
  • Physicians from various specialties answer specific questions from the participants.

We provide free health screening blood tests, height weight, BMI, and osteoporosis screening. We also reach out to the community by conducting hands-only CPR and emphasize that learning this simple technique can save lives.

Our Program Highlights

  • Promote and help female literacy.
  • Seminars on health and wellness.
  • Reduce childbirth-related mortality.
  • Prevent female feticide and infanticide.
  • Educate women about the importance of healthy living.

Health Seminars

At the H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation, we conduct health seminars and health fairs with the sole objective of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

We emphasize the fact that a healthy lifestyle will ensure long term health and prevent or postpone the onset of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. We take this message to women who are the decision-makers in all of the families’ health issues.

Global Outreach - India

Reduce Maternal Mortality

At the H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation, we help bridge the knowledge gap between the providers and first responders in rural areas, where there are only limited resources. We help to organize and conduct conferences to help improve the knowledge gap of maternity care providers in rural India where about 20% of all maternal deaths around the globe occurs.

In addition, we focus on training the low-level providers, who are at the front line caring for these women using low fidelity simulation training and safe maternal transports. We also encourage the providers and help them to get certification based on world health organization using e-learning modules. We also provide life saving Anti-shock garments to these low resources places and hold training to save mother’s lives.

We partner with local NGOs to promote these educational activities.

H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation
Promoting Education

At the H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation, we encourage childhood education in rural areas. We provide books to the libraries and encourage school children to study math and science and provide educational scholarships who excel in these subjects. We encourage successful individuals to donate generously to the schools from where they graduated and encourage students to excel in their studies.

H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation
Partner with W.O.N.D.E.R. (Women’s Obstetrical Neonatal Death Evaluation Reduction)

Prevent Female Feticide

According to a study reported in Law and Medicine, female feticide--the selective abortion of female fetuses--is killing upwards of one million females in India annually. Female feticide is driven by many factors. While sons offer security to the family, daughters are perceived as a social and economic burden. Prenatal sex detection technologies have been misused, allowing the selective abortions of female offspring. Legally, however, female feticide is a penal offence. While abortion is legal in India, it is a crime to abort a pregnancy solely because the fetus is female.

In spite of the legal consequences, very often the women are forced to abort a female fetus. Hence the Foundation is committed to educate the females and empower them to take their decision making into their own hands.

H.E.L.P. Charitable Foundation